Right-of-way Tree Study
The City of Sammamish invites proposals for consultant services to conduct a study to evaluate the existing tree conditions of City-maintained trees within the right-of-way and make recommendations to enhance the existing tree canopy as well as plan for resiliency. The City highly encourages women and minority owned firms to submit proposals in response to this RFP.
Deadline to submit proposals is 5:00 p.m. PST on Friday, August 30, 2024.
Updated 8/26/24
Is the total number of trees to be reviewed 8,618 from your street tree inventory?
The street tree inventory to be reviewed encompasses approximately 1200 trees maintained by the City in ROW maintenance zones. There are approximately 500 trees maintained by private entities within the ROW maintenance zones that may also be reviewed if budget allows.
Is the review separate from the inventory data or is all of the street tree inventory data to be updated?
Please see above question. The City will provide existing ROW inventory data for the consultant to review. The consultant should do a field assessment of trees to update existing GIS data with relevant information.
Do you have a list of new attributes that need to be collected and/or a list of attributes that need to be updated?
Please see reference files: Sammamish_StreetTrees_InROWMaintZones_Visualization and Sammamish_StreetTrees_InROWMaintZones_AttributeSummary
List of attributes that may need to be updated:
- Status
- InspectionDate
- Species_CommonName
- Species_ScientificName
- GrowSpace
- GrowSpaceSize
- Grate
- OverheadUtilities
- Condition
- MaintRoutine
- MaintTask
- Defect
- Notes
List of potential new attributes to be collected:
- MaintTask – Lack of Water, Poor Soil Conditions
- Defect – Water Stressed/Dehydrated
- Other attributes as recommended by the consultant
What is the city’s ideal timeline for conducting the tree health assessment verification? Typically, we would recommend conducting tree health assessments and inventories during leaf-on if feasible (spring through early fall/September) to utilize leaves as a diagnostic indicator of tree condition/health. Would the City be amendable to launching the field component of the project once the trees have leafed out?
The ideal timeline for tree health assessment is September – October 2024.
Is the City looking for data to be provided a GIS geodatabase or to update data through the City’s existing tree management software system? It is our understanding that the 2021-22 inventory was collected using TreeKeeper. Is the City continuing to manage the inventory data using this service? If the City is no longer using that service, which format would the City prefer?
The City is looking for an updated Feature Class in a file GIS geodatabase.
What is the anticipated date for project completion?
There is a preference for this work being completed in the near-term, by end of year. The City is open to timelines proposed by consultants.
Just to confirm, are you looking for field verification of all 10,118 trees in your inventory?
Please see above questions.
Have you been adding recently planted trees to the inventory completed by Davey Resource Group?
The City has not been adding recently planted trees to the existing inventory.
How will you share the tree locations with the Contractor? Will you provide the GIS files or do you have alternative ways to share the data?
Please see above questions and reference files: Sammamish_StreetTrees_InROWMaintZones_Visualization and Sammamish_StreetTrees_InROWMaintZones_AttributeSummary. The City will provide GIS files to the selected consultant.
What are insurance requirements for the winning Contractor?
Insurance requirements are outlined in the Professional Services Consultant Contract linked in the RFP and available online. https://sammamishwa.civicweb.net/document/90513/
Will we get a map or more information about existing irrigation infrastructure and its use?
The city can provide irrigation infrastructure as-builts to the selected consultant.
When is this project supposed to be completed? Can we assess the health of trees in leaf-off condition (Autumn or Winter?)
Please see above questions regarding project timing.
Are there any previously identified pests and diseases known by the City?
Among the many diseases and pests that affect trees in the region, City staff remain alert to the following:
- Laminated Root Rot
- Swiss Needle Cast
- Douglas-fir Tussock Moth
- Dutch Elm Disease
- Other emerging pests or diseases of concern may be accounted for within this assessment
Will drone use be a consideration?
The use of drones is at the discretion of the proposing firm, to be discussed during contract negotiations.