City Council
The Sammamish City Council members come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. Together, they make up a group of individuals who care deeply about Sammamish. Their most prominent priorities include:
- Conserving, protecting, and nurturing Sammamish’s plentiful and beautiful natural resources.
- Working to enact measures that will help the community continue to thrive. This includes supporting small businesses and ensuring safety.
- Focusing on infrastructure projects that allow the city to run more smoothly.
- Maintaining financial responsibility and transparency.

Regional Committee Appointments
- A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) Liaison
- Eastside Fire and Rescue - Board of Directors
- Eastside Fire and Rescue - Finance and Administrative Committee (Alternate)
- Emergency Management Advisory Committee
- Joint Recommendations Committee
- King County Flood Control District Advisory Committee
- Regional Transit Committe
- Salmon Recovery Council - Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8 (Alternate)
- YMCA Advisory Board

Regional Committee Appointments
- A Regional Coalition for Housing (ARCH) Liaison (Alternate)
- Board of Health
- Municipal Solid Waste Advisory Committee
- Sound Cities Association (SCA) Public Issues Committee (Alternate)

Regional Committee Appointments
Eastside Fire and Rescue - Board of Directors (Alternate)

Regional Committee Appointments
- King County-Cities Collaboration (K4C) Elected Official Workgroup
- Salmon Recovery Council - Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8

Regional Committee Appointments
- Eastside Transportation Partnership (ETP)
- King Conservation District Advisory Committee
- Kokanee Working Group (KWG) (Alternate)
- SCA Public Issues Committee

Regional Committee Appointments
- Eastside Transportation Partnership
- Growth Management Planning Council
- Kokanee Working Group (KWG)

Regional Committee Appointments
- Eastside Fire and Rescue - Board of Directors
- Eastside Fire and Rescue - Finance and Administrative Committee (Chair)
- Eastside Transportation Partnership (Alternate)
- Growth Management Policy Board
- K4C Elected Official Work Group
About the City Council
The Sammamish City Council is elected at large by the community to represent their interests. The Council selects one of its members to serve as Mayor and another to serve as Deputy Mayor. It also appoints members to Advisory Boards, which advise the Council on various matters.
The City Council selects the City Manager to act as the chief executive officer of the City.
The City Council sets policy for the governance of the City. It relies on the City Manager to implement the Council's established policies and regulations.
Regular Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm. A study session is held on the second Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Agendas are posted to the City of Sammamish CivicWeb portal on the Friday preceding the meeting. Each Council meeting includes time for public comment (up to three minutes per person). Additional public comment may be available on certain agenda topics as part of a public hearing. Information about how to provide comments is included in the meeting agendas.