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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Artist Spotlight

The Sammamish Arts Commission is initiating an exciting new monthly program to recognize the diversity of artists who live in our community. Every month one local artist will be spotlighted in a special publication where they will share their unique talent.

Art is something that is created. An artist is someone who creates. Art encompasses a myriad of mediums, whether it is:

  • the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, fabric, collage, photography, film, etc.),
  • dance arts, performing arts, or music arts,
  • literary arts,
  • culinary arts,
  • architecture,
  • design,
  • fashion,
  • and more.

Each art form is infused with imagination and creativity. The artist creates something that is special and unique to share with the world.

Our goal is to acknowledge the creativity of artists in our community, and to salute the gifts their art brings into our lives. 

To be a spotlighted artist please fill out an application.

The Sammamish Arts Commission and the City of Sammamish are honored to spotlight Seher Taj

She creates art as a form of communication because it transcends language and allows her to convey her emotions. Her art often showcases her loved ones. 

Why do you create art?
I create art as a means of expressing myself in ways that words cannot fully capture. It's a form of communication that transcends language and allows me to convey my emotions, thoughts, and experiences to others.

How long have you been creating art?
I've been creating art since I was a child, but I began taking it seriously during high school. It's been a journey of self-discovery and growth ever since.

What medium do you mainly work in?
I mainly work in oil painting. The richness and depth of color that oil paints offer allow me to fully explore and express my artistic vision.

Do you have any formal art training? 
Yes, I studied Fine Arts at Parsons School of Design in New York, New York for two years, and I am currently finishing my Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts from Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, Washington. While formal training provides a foundation, much of my skill development has come from years of dedicated practice and experimentation.

How and where did you learn your current art form(s)?
I've learned my current art form through a combination of formal education, personal experimentation, and studying the techniques of other artists. Immersing myself in the world of art has allowed me to continuously refine and expand my skills.

What is it you are trying to achieve with your art?
With my art, I aim to express myself freely and authentically. I want to evoke emotions, spark conversations, and connect with others on a deeper level through my work. Ultimately, I hope to inspire others to explore their own creativity and find their voice through art.

Are there new techniques you are interested in exploring, and if so, what would those be?
I'm always interested in exploring new techniques and pushing the boundaries of my artistic practice. Lately, I've been intrigued by mixed media approaches and incorporating unconventional materials into my paintings. I'm also curious about exploring digital art as a complement to my traditional methods.

Are there certain subjects you focus on?
In my art, I primarily focus on painting my loved ones. They serve as a source of inspiration and a reflection of the meaningful relationships in my life. However, I'm also drawn to capturing moments of intimate beauty in the world around me.

What motivates you to create?

My love for art is my main motivation. The process of creating, experimenting, and seeing my ideas come to life brings me immense joy and fulfillment. Additionally, the desire to share my perspective and connect with others through my art is a powerful driving force.

Who are your biggest artistic influences?
Some of my biggest artistic influences include painters such as Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, and Claude Monet. Their bold use of color, emotive brushwork, and ability to convey raw emotion in their work resonate deeply with me.

Describe why art is important to our community.
Art plays a vital role in our community by fostering creativity, expression, and cultural enrichment. It brings people together, stimulates dialogue, and encourages empathy and understanding. Art adds beauty to our surroundings and serves as a reflection of our shared humanity.

Why do you think the arts are important for others to experience?
Experiencing art allows people to connect with their emotions, explore different perspectives, and gain insight into the human experience. It encourages critical thinking, imagination, and self-reflection. Whether through viewing, creating, or participating in artistic activities, the arts enrich our lives and broaden our horizons.

How can people see more of your work, follow you, and contact you (website, social media, performances, shows, etc.)?

People can see more of my work by following me on Instagram @seherstaj and viewing my website Additionally, I may participate in local exhibitions and events where you can view my artwork in person.