Artist Spotlight
The Sammamish Arts Commission is initiating an exciting new monthly program to recognize the diversity of artists who live in our community. Every month one local artist will be spotlighted in a special publication where they will share their unique talent.
Art is something that is created. An artist is someone who creates. Art encompasses a myriad of mediums, whether it is:
- the visual arts (painting, drawing, sculpture, fabric, collage, photography, film, etc.),
- dance arts, performing arts, or music arts,
- literary arts,
- culinary arts,
- architecture,
- design,
- fashion,
- and more.
Each art form is infused with imagination and creativity. The artist creates something that is special and unique to share with the world.
Our goal is to acknowledge the creativity of artists in our community, and to salute the gifts their art brings into our lives.
To be a spotlighted artist please fill out an application.
The Sammamish Arts Commission and the City of Sammamish are honored to spotlight Deepa Sharma
She creates art based on everyday observations and loves working with color. Her art is inspired by her heritage and daydreaming.
Why do you create art?
The process of art-making relaxes and energizes me.
How long have you been creating art?
My mom says I started my art on walls. Never studied formally but have been drawing and painting since I could hold a pencil! Around 10 years since I started exhibiting.
What medium do you mainly work in?
Pencil, markers and oil.
What is it you are trying to achieve with your art?
My art is reflection of what I see in my inner eye and my thoughts. I hope the work I do inspires others and makes them see the wonderful beauty around us.
Are there new techniques you are interested in exploring, and if so, what would those be?
I am looking forward to working in watercolor in more professional manner.
Are there certain subjects you focus on?
I lean towards people and landscape, though not always together!
What motivates you to create?
The sheer bliss and zen mode when I draw and paint. Helps to start a day or end a busy day and look forward to next time I start working on an artwork.
Who are your biggest artistic influences?
My mom is my inspiration. Georgia O Keefe and Wayne Theibaud are my inspirations.
Describe why art is important to our community.
Art brings out the best in people and therefore a community which appreciates and elevates art will help itself in becoming more open-minded and welcoming to all.
Why do you think the arts are important for others to experience?
The process of art making in any form like drawing, painting, writing, dancing, singing, playing an instrument or movie-making is to see beauty everywhere and in everyone. We can be better human beings and a community if we learn to appreciate and learn new ideas and new viewpoints.
How can people see more of your work, follow you, and contact you (website, social media, performances, shows, etc.)?