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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Glossary Of Terms


Abatement is a process by which the City of Sammamish removes Nuisance conditions on a property. Abatement may be performed with a warrant if the Nuisance is on private property. It may be performed without a warrant if the nuisance is on public right-of-way. Additionally, a warrant is not needed to resolve a Nuisance that poses an imminent threat to life safety.


An appeal is a request by the property owner for a re-evaluation of terms or outcomes. The request is made to the DCD Director or Hearing Examiner. Requests may be made to re-evaluate any part of a Notice of Violation, Civil Penalty, or Voluntary Compliance Agreement.

Civil Penalties

Civil penalties are a fine issued by the City of Sammamish to the property owner. These fines are issued as a result of non-compliance with property corrections.

Hearing Process

The hearing process describes how the City pursues legal action to abate a property or remove a building in violation. The hearing is conducted by the Hearing Examiner who makes a decision about the course of resolution for the case.

Notice and Order

A Notice and Order represents a determination that a civil code violation has occurred. It indicates that the person named therein is responsible for correcting the violation. It also names the other penalties and remedies specified in the Notice and Order.

Notice and Orders can be issued at any time during the Code Compliance process. Typically, this step is taken after exhausting voluntary compliance efforts.

Notice and Orders are subject to appeal and are recorded on title.

Notice of Violation

A Notice of Violation is written communication to the property owner about the violation. The notice details code violations and the City process for pursuing compliance. It also informs the property owner of their rights.

Notice to Comply

The Notice to Comply provides a description of a violation and the code violated. It provides a deadline to comply. It also describes what a person must do to resolve the violation on a voluntary basis.

Public Record Request

A public record is any record containing information relating to the conduct of government business, which is prepared, owned, used, or retained by an agency. In plain language, that means documents owned by the City and communications with City staff. This includes, but is not limited to, electronic media, paper, email, microfilm, audiotapes, videotapes, magnetic tapes, and disks (CDs/DVDs).

Public records may be obtained from the City by request.


The Right-of-Way indicates the area of land for which the City secures the right of possession for right-of-way purposes. Right-of-Way includes the traveled portion of the public streets and alleys, as well as border area. Border area includes but is not limited to any sidewalks, driveway approaches, planting strips, traffic circles, parkways, or medians, or area between the sidewalk and the curb line.

Stop Work Order (SWO)

A Stop Work Order is a written order specifying code violations. It prohibits any work or other activity at a particular site.

Voluntary Compliance Agreement (VCA)

A Voluntary Compliance Agreement is a written contract between the person responsible for the violation and the City. The agreement specifies the terms under which such person agrees to abate the violation. Terms include a specified time and conditions.


A warrant is the process in which a Superior Court Judge issues permission for the City to abate nuisance conditions on a property or demolish a building.