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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Frequently Flooded Areas

Frequently flooded areas are floodplains and areas prone to inundation of water during rainstorms. Additionally, frequently flooded areas include Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map issued by FEMA. 

Frequently flooded areas (FFAs) are protected to reduce damage to structures caused by flood events, to promote public health and safety, and to protect the ecosystems of these areas. 

The goal of flood regulations is to prevent the space that would fill with flood water from being used up by structures, causing the flooding to reach higher elevations, as well as regulating the type of development allowed within the floodplain. Development in frequently flooded areas should be designed to avoid habitat degradation, consistent with requirements for Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas.

For maximum protection, new development should not be allowed within identified frequently flooded areas that would displace flood waters. Additionally, new developments should be designed to withstand flood forces. Any modifications to floodplains should not result in grading that increases land volumes. Follow an integrated approach to manage floodplain development and maintain full capacity of floodplain or floodway conveyance.