Sponsorship Opportunities
Become an Event Sponsor Now!
Putting together a community event or program is a lot of work and takes a lot of resources! The City manages around 20 events and programs per year. These are perfect opportunities to get your business in front of potential and existing customers. You also get to show your support for the community!
We have one sponsorship type available: a year-long sponsorship for $10,000. This year-long sponsorship entitles you to attend every single Recreation event as a sponsor with a booth. Your organizations name and/or logo will also be present on all promotional materials for every Recreation event, regardless if you attend. When applicable, a sponsor banner will be displayed during events as well. Please submit your application by April 1st each year you wish to be considered. Submitting an application does not guarantee sponsor status.
City website: 941,134 page views in 2024
Recreation guide: mailed up to 50,000 residents
Social media: 5,220 Twitter followers; 1,687 Instagram followers; 3,900 followers on Facebook and 10,231 on City parent page that shares Parks posts
How do we advertise for events to ensure maximum attendance?
- City website information
- Listing on local and regional event calendars
- Banner on 228th
- Advertising in the City Update (in the Reporter newspaper)
- Day-of-event signage
- Press releases to area media
- Series of display ads in local papers
- Posters distributed to local businesses
- Facebook Page and Twitter
- Messages to email subscribers
- City newsletter
- Cross-promotions with partners
- Advertisements on Next Door, Patch and PeachJar
- And, much more!
In-Kind Sponsors
We are always looking for help via in-kind donations of various items. These include things such as kids’ activities, giveaways, rental equipment, and much more!