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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Klahanie Park Master Plan

Parks and Recreation

Project Manager

Shelby Perrault
(425) 295 0589
klahanie park master plan logo

Project Update

The City finished three rounds of public outreach and presented the preferred master plan to City Council in 2019. During the December meeting, City Council voted that the master plan be put on hold until the completion of the Athletic Field Study, which investigated existing field capacity and provide recommendations for the prioritization of future field improvements. The Athletic Field Study was completed in 2020.

Project Overview

Klahanie Park was built by a Homeowners Association and transferred to King County in 1994 following construction. The park was transferred to the City in January 2016 as part of the Klahanie annexation.

The 64-acre park is comprised of natural turf fields including two multi-purpose sports fields, one ball field, and one cricket pitch. Additionally, the park features a small play structure, restrooms, parking, a segment of King County’s East Plateau Trail, natural areas and Queen’s Bog, which is one of roughly fifty bogs located in Washington State.

Having been in use for nearly 25 years with only minor improvements, park features are nearing the end of their life cycle or are in need of repair. A master plan will be the City’s first attempt to look at potential improvements to this park in a comprehensive manner utilizing a process that provides involvement of the entire community. It will also enable the city to consider how a previous County park will best incorporate into Sammamish's overall park system.

Annual recreation events, such as Shakespeare in the Park and KidsFirst are held at Klahanie Park. Additionally, the City is responsible for field reservations for the two  multi-purpose fields and ball field. 

What is a Master Plan?

A master plan is a conceptual design that is used as a guiding document for implementing future improvements at a park. A master plan is a multi-step process that receives input and direction from the public, City Council, and Parks & Recreation Commission. During the early stages of this process, long-term goals and objectives will be established to guide the development of design alternatives.

Once design alternatives have been refined in to a final conceptual design, the next step is to determine a phasing and implementation schedule, based on recommended priorities from the public, City Council, and Parks & Recreation Commission. It is important to note that a master plan is conceptual and continues to be refined during the design phase, which can take several years to implement.

Project Budget

A total of $250,000 was allocated in the 2018-2019 Parks Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget for the Klahanie Park Master Plan, which includes all planning and design costs.