A message from Republic Services for Thursday, January 6, 2022
From Republic's Sammamish, WA page:
Republic Services anticipates serving all scheduled Thursday, January 6 routes.
- For Monday (1/3/22) and Tuesday (1/4/22) customers who want to discard their missed garbage collection, Republic Services has arranged for a garbage drop-off site with no charge at Beaver Lake (2526 244th Ave SE) from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (lines close at 1:30) on Thursday, January 6, 2022. Please only bring your bagged household garbage.
- No recycling drop-off is available so please leave that at the curb on your next scheduled service day so it can be picked up.
- We will collect double your regular material at no charge on your next regular service collection day.
Thank you for your patience while we all weathered this storm together.