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Police Investigating Burglaries in East King County

Community Encouraged to Report Suspicious Activity and Take Steps to Prevent Crime

Sammamish Police Department
Phone: (425) 295-0770

The Sammamish Police Department and other neighboring jurisdictions are actively investigating a series of residential burglaries and attempted residential burglaries that occurred recently.  The suspects target residences in the evening hours, generally between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm. They frequently enter through a backyard and have also gained access through both the main level and second-level patio doors and windows. Additionally, the suspects have frequently used trail systems and green belts behind homes and neighborhoods.

Detectives believe there are multiple male suspects. They typically wear dark clothing and masks to disguise or hide their identity. They have also used several different non-descript vehicles, varying in make, description, and color.  Thieves have specifically targeted master bedrooms, closets, and safes. They have stolen jewelry, high end purses, and cash.

Sammamish detectives and crime analysts are collaborating with several other law enforcement agencies and believe this same group is responsible for many other burglaries in the east King County region. Detectives are actively pursuing every viable lead and need your help. If you see any suspicious activity, please call and report it to 911 immediately. .  If your home security camera systems capture anything out of the ordinary, please report it to the Sammamish Police Department by calling (206) 296-3311 or through the online reporting system:


About the Sammamish Police Department

The Sammamish Police Department is a contract partner of the King County Sheriff's Office. The department has 30 full time officers. Learn more at



You Can Help Prevent Burglaries

Sammamish was recently ranked by MoneyGeek as the 13th safest among 660 small cities in the U.S. Sammamish has also been given the distinction by safewise of being the Safest City in Washington for the last two years. However, as part of a populated and growing region, Sammamish is not immune to crime. 

Wherever you live, it’s important to take steps to make your home less vulnerable to burglaries.  Research shows that if it takes more than four or five minutes to break into a home, most burglars will go elsewhere.

Burglary Prevention Tips

  • Lock the doors and windows and turn on the alarm systems as part of your routine.
  • Avoid posting on social media about vacation plans or expensive purchases.
  • Secure your valuables at home.
  • Take pictures of jewelry to assist in recovery if found.
  • Lock gates, garages, and sheds after each use.
  • Keep all doors and windows locked, even if you are just going out "for a minute."
  • If a window is left open a few inches for ventilation, it should be locked to prevent someone from opening it more.
  • Keep lights on, appear to be home.
  • Mount cameras in front and rear of home, high enough to be out of reach. 
  • The King County Sheriff’s Office offers a downloadable residential security survey.Print off the checklist and conduct your own home security assessment:
  • Many insurance companies provide discounts for devices that make a home safer (e.g., deadbolt locks, window grates, and alarms), so be sure to check with your representative.
  • Keep an eye out for suspicious activity around your neighborhood.
  • Call 911 if you see any suspicious persons or vehicles in your neighborhood.