Ready and Resilient: National Public Works Week
"Ready & Resilient" is the theme for the 2022 National Public Works Week, May 15-21. This year's theme showcases the superheroes that lie within each and every public works professional. Always READY to serve their communities, and RESILIENT as ever in their abilities to pick themselves up off the ground after encountering challenges.
Sammamish's Public Works Department is a team of true “Difference Makers." They enable the City to provide and sustain structures and services essential to the welfare and acceptable quality of life for all residents and visitors.
Get to know the areas of Public Works
Storm and Surface Water Utility
This team addresses storm and surface water quality (pollution) and quantity (flood control) to ensure a healthy balance between streams, wetlands, fish, and people.
Traffic Engineering
This team is responsible for the maintenance and operation of signalized intersections, streetlights, and over 200 miles of striping.
Transportation Planning
This team focuses on improving mobility in Sammamish through long- and short-range transportation planning and policy efforts that emphasize community engagement and strengthening partnerships at the local and regional levels.
Maintenance and Operations
This team is responsible for the maintenance and repair of city streets and storm drains. They serve our community regularly by clearing snow and ice from our streets, clearing trees that fall down, managing contracts to oversee stormwater pond mowing and maintenance, and performing miscellaneous other maintenance, as needed
Development Review and Permitting
This team reviews, permits, and inspects the construction of new roads, stormwater utilities, right-of-way improvements, and erosion control associated with the development of private property.
Capital Projects, Engineering, and Construction
Whether it's a new bridge or repairing an aging street, Public Works projects make a difference every day in the lives of our community. Thank you to this dedicated team of ready and resilient superheroes.
Public Works by the Numbers
500+ street lights
12,237 storm drains
458 stormwater facilities
200+ miles of pipe
60 miles of ditches
30 miles of streams
9 dams
415.8 lane miles
210.5 centerline miles
45+ school zone flashers
26 traffic signals
735+ cul-de-sacs
294 crosswalks
920 permit reviews