Sammamish Year In Review Part 1
1. The City celebrated its Silver Jubilee with two events this summer. The first was a gathering with former elected officials, city leaders, current elected officials, and staff. The second was a large party with live music, a beer and wine garden, games and so much more. We also showcased a video that included interviews from community members and footage from our most popular events. To see more about this celebration, visit our website:
2. We have adopted our 2024 Comprehensive Plan, which is the 20-year guide for our future that helps us plan for and accommodate future growth. The plan includes ways to increase housing options, creates opportunities for more businesses and restaurants, increases mobility options, and plans for infrastructure support for our roads, parks, etc. To learn more about the comprehensive plan visit:
3. We also adopted our first Transportation Master Plan, which guides our transportation investments, projects, future needs and our multimodal system to ensure residents can easily and safely move around the City. To view more information about the TMP visit: