Beaver Lake Preserve
Beaver Lake Preserve consists of 76 acres northeast of Beaver Lake Park. The property is split in two by West Beaver Lake Drive SE. A ten-car gravel parking lot offers parking.
Visitors can walk through 1.35 miles of trails. This includes a forested loop trail and connections to nearby Soaring Eagle Park and Hazel Wolf Wetlands Preserve.
Park Hours
6:30 am - Dusk from April - September
7:30 am - Dusk from October - March
Parking lot gates are open from 8am to 30 minutes after sunset.
Beaver Lake Preserve was purchased in 2002 through a Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office grant.
An additional 17 acres were purchased from the Kipper family in 2007. The addition of the Kipper property allows Beaver Lake Preserve to now connect to Soaring Eagle Park. It was a critical acquisition that ensures connectivity between our natural resources.
The first trail and a parking lot were built in 2008.
Photos of Beaver Lake Preserve