Audio Boxes
Thank you for exploring our interactive EcoBoxes. Big Rock Park Central was generously donated to the City of Sammamish in 2017 by Mary Pigott.
You can use the EcoBoxes located throughout the park to listen to Mary’s stories on the property’s history. Learn how the trails got their names, why the Treehouse came to be, where owls can be found, and more!
Please refer to the list below to find the corresponding audio link to the EcoBox you are visiting. Enjoy!
Big Rock Park EcoBoxes
Owl Pond EcoBox
- Button 1: How Owl Pond Got Its Name
- Button 2: Corridors and Connectivity
- Button 3: Listen to the Call of the Owl!
Busy Bee Trail EcoBox
- Button 1: How Busy Bee Trail Got Its Name
Big Rock Park Central EcoBox
- Button 1: Mary Pigott’s Words of Wisdom
- Button 2: How Main Street Trail Got Its Name
Treehouse EcoBox
- Button 1: History of the Treehouse
Heritage Trail EcoBox
- Button 1: How Heritage Trail Got Its Name
- Button 2: Early Days of Sammamish