Evans Creek Preserve
The 213-acre Evan Creek Preserve offers 3.5 miles of pedestrian-only loop trails and precious respite from the noise and bustle of everyday urban living. Visitors may be delighted by wildflower meadows, wetlands, wildlife, and forested uplands. A diverse collection of wildlife calls the Evans Creek Preserve home, including deer, black bears, hawks, songbirds, and beavers.
In the coming seasons, members of the Washington Butterfly Association will be doing several butterfly surveys. There may even be a single “butterfly person” on-site periodically checking for species. They will have nets and be off-trail. No butterflies will be collected or removed from our preserve. This is for identifying and developing a butterfly list to be placed on the website.
Access Points
4001 224th Ave NE, Redmond
For those interested in hiking trails with limited elevation change that go through meadow and wetland areas, this lower parking lot and trailhead are the best options.
3650 Sahalee Way, NE
Start your exploration of Evans Creek Preserve in the forested upland area by accessing the trailhead from this upper parking lot. The portion of the trail from this parking lot is very steep so plan accordingly.
Park Hours
6:30 am - Dusk from April - September
7:30 am - Dusk from October - March
Parking lot gates are open from 8am to 30 minutes after sunset.
Ongoing Habitat Restoration
Active Restoration Site – volunteers are restoring an acre of forest and have planted more than a thousand native plants
Sammamish Walking Tour – explore native plants in forest and stormwater restoration sites throughout your city!
Evans Creek Preserve Trail Map
Evans Creek Preserve was logged and continuously farmed for at least 100 years before being purchased by the City of Sammamish in 2000. This property received its name in 2002. Phase I construction was completed in September 2011 and included the 10-stall lower parking lot, restrooms and over 2 miles of trails. Phase II added an upper parking lot and an additional mile of trail connecting it to the existing trail system.
The majority of the trails were built by volunteers under the supervision and support of the Washington Trails Association. During Phase I alone, volunteers contributed over 6,500 hours over 46 work parties! Much was accomplished; they built trails, puncheons, turnpikes, and enhanced wetland and stream corridors.