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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Human Services Needs Assessment


The Health and Human Services Needs Assessment ("Needs Assessment") was the city's first community-wide planning effort regarding health and human services. The Needs Assessment helps to identify the human service needs of the community. It identifies related resources available to residents and the resulting gaps existing in Sammamish.

Preliminary ideas for City action are included in the Needs Assessment. It will inform a road map for the City to manage the results of the Needs Assessment for the next three to five years.

The "Need" for a Needs Assessment 

The Needs Assessment was completed at a pivotal time in the Sammamish community. Significant growth was happening related to the Klahanie annexation. Much development was occurring between the Town Center and single-family residences. The community needs were changing, as were the regional needs. The City needed to understand those changes to better serve our residents.

The information and data gathered from this Assessment has since helped inform further development and refinement of the Human Services Grant Program. It helped to determine criteria for awarding grants. Data helped staff frame priorities. Valuable data informed discussions related to the City's role in supporting and addressing local and regional human service needs.


March 21, 2017 BERK Consulting Selected to Lead Project
June 6, 2017 BERK Presentation to City Council
June 13 - July 14, 2017 Resident Survey Completed
July 10, 2017 BERK Presentation to City Council
February 13, 2018 Task Force Hand-Off to City Council
March 6, 2018 City Council Adoption