East Sammamish Park
This 19-acre park, located next to Margaret Mead Elementary School, is a popular destination for families with children. The vibrant, colorful playground equipment is a big draw for kids. The park also boasts lots of amenities and a large parking lot. Eight months out of the year, the park is highly used by sports groups for practices, games, and camps.
Park Hours
6:30 am - Dusk from April - September
7:30 am - Dusk from October - March
Parking lot gates are open from 8am to 30 minutes after sunset.
Ongoing Habitat Restoration
Active Restoration Site. Volunteers are transforming a one-acre section of East Sammamish Park into an open, diverse, and resilient native forest
Sammamish Walking Tour. Explore native plants in the forest and stormwater restoration sites throughout your city!
Formerly a King County Park, this park was transferred to the City after its incorporation. Since then, several restoration projects have been completed. The restroom fixtures have been replaced. There have been infield, turf, and safety upgrades to the athletic fields. A new path walkway has been built. Additionally, there have been several landscape renovations.