Sammamish Commons
A 25-acre park located in the middle of Sammamish with an upper and lower section connected by an accessible trail. The Commons is home to a skate park, community garden, spray park, and more.
Upper Commons
801 228th Avenue
Amenities at the Upper Commons include:
- Skate park, basketball court, and play equipment
- Commons Plaza
- Sammamish City Hall
- Sammamish Library
- Sammamish Community & Aquatic Center.
Lower Commons
550 222nd Place SE
The Lower Commons features:
- Community Garden and Native Plant Garden
- Looped trail, shelters, playground, and grassy areas
- CrossPath Counseling and Consultation
- Spray park
- Memorial Day thru Labor Day
- Approximately 9:15 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Park Hours
6:30 am - Dusk from April - September
7:30 am - Dusk from October - March
Parking lot gates are open from 8am to 30 minutes after sunset.
Ongoing Habitat Restoration
Sammamish Walking Tour – Explore native plants in forest & stormwater restoration sites throughout your city!
Lower Commons Native Plant Garden Bird & Plant Walk
Park Reservables
Photos of Sammamish Commons