2024 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan

Project Update
What is the PROS Plan?
The Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan serves as a guiding document for Parks Staff. It provides specific goals, objectives, and recommendations for park development and maintenance. The Plan allows Sammamish to provide high-quality parks, trails, facilities, and programs city-wide.
The Plan considers the park and recreation needs of residents city-wide through robust community engagement. It also provides updated inventories, demographic conditions, needs analysis, management considerations, and parks capital improvement plan.
The PROS Plan is a part of the City’s broader Comprehensive Plan. It is consistent with the guidelines established by the Growth Management Act (GMA).
Why was the PROS Plan updated?
The PROS Plan must be updated every six years for Sammamish. Regular updates are required to retain eligibility for state grants through the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO). RCO administers a variety of outdoor recreation and conservation grant programs.
Sammamish's current PROS Plan was adopted in 2018. Sammamish must update the Plan in 2024 for the City to remain eligible for RCO funding opportunities.
Project Budget
A total of $172,100 was allocated in the 2023-2024 Parks budget for the PROS Plan and is inclusive of all planning costs.
Project Timeline
Existing Conditions & Baseline Analysis (February – June 2023)
- Review existing plans, demographics, and trends
- Create an updated trail and amenity assessment
Community & Systems Need Assessment (March – August 2023)
- Identify needs and gaps for park infrastructure, assessment of conditions, and benchmarks for level of service standards.
- Initiate plan development
Priorities, Strategies, and Draft Plan Review (September – November 2023)
- Compile analyses and recommendations
- Conduct system inventory, needs assessment, goals, and implementation strategies
- Prepare a prioritized and updated Parks Capital Improvement Plan
PROS Plan Review and Approval (December 2023)
- Parks & Recreation Commission review
- City Council review and approval
Project Documents
Existing Conditions & Baseline Analysis
- Presentation #1: Agenda Bill and Presentation to Parks & Recreation Commission, February 1, 2023
- Presentation #2: Agenda Bill and Presentation to City Council, March 14, 2023
Community & Systems Need Assessment
- Virtual Open House Presentation
- Presentation #3: Agenda Bill and Presentation to Parks & Recreation Commission, July 19, 2023
Priorities, Strategies, and Draft Plan Review
- Presentation #4: Agenda Bill and Presentation to Parks & Recreation and Planning Commissions, September 6, 2023
- Presentation #5: Agenda Bill and Presentation to Parks & Recreation Commission, November 1, 2023
- Presentation #6: Agenda Bill and Presentation to City Council, November 21, 2023
PROS Plan Review and Approval
- Presentation #7: Agenda Bill and Presentation to Parks & Recreation Commission, December 6, 2023
- Presentation #8: Agenda Bill and Presentation to Planning Commission, December 7, 2023
- Presentation #9: Agenda Bill and Presentation to City Council, December 12, 2023