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Balanced Land Use and Mobility EIS

Following approval of Resolution R2022-960, the BLUMA EIS effort has concluded.

The City prepared an environmental impact statement (EIS) pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) to analyze growth and infrastructure needs throughout Sammamish. The goal, initially prompted by the GMHB Gerend decision, is to provide the City Council with tangible Growth Management Act (GMA)-compliant options that will result in the ability to more comprehensively address these issues in Sammamish.

Municipal Code amendments are also possible to implement amended Comprehensive Plan guidance and, if pursued, are anticipated to focus on Titles 14A and 21A SMC. Code amendments could, for example, amend Level of Service (LOS) standards to reflect amended Comprehensive Plan guidance, delete outdated tables, correct definitions and Comprehensive Plan references, and take other related actions. To ensure GMA compliance, the process will also consider the need for possible amendments in various Comprehensive Plan elements. Comprehensive Plan amendments could also include updated policy guidance and updated background information.

Project Updates

09 Aug 2022: Alternative 1 Selected for Balanced Land Use and Mobility

On July 5, 2022, Sammamish City Council approved Resolution R2022-960, giving formal direction on the path forward, including superseding Resolution R2021-930 EIS Preferred Alternative changing Preferred Alternative from Alternative 4 to Alternative 1 and Resolution R2021-927 2022 Annual Comprehensive Plan Docket. This Resolution achieves the following:

  • Establishment of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the BLUMA EIS; and
  • Rescinds the 2022 Docket request; and
  • Establishment of a timeline to complete Comprehensive Plan amendments to implement Alternative 1 of the BLUMA EIS by including it in the scope of work for the 2024 Periodic Update of the Comprehensive Plan; and
  • Establishment of additional analysis tasks to support the 2024 Periodic Update of the Comprehensive Plan.

Resolution R2022-960 enacts Council's direction for the BLUMA effort and supports the development of the 2024 Comprehensive Plan.

Map of Sammamish transportation projects needed for no action alternative, showing one all-way stop conversion, one signalization, and one channelization improvement

31 Mar 2022: Notice of Availability of Final EIS (FEIS) for the Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis

Final EIS Issued on March 31, 2022

Notice is hereby given under WAC 197-11-460 and WAC 197-11-510 that the City of Sammamish has issued the Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis (BLUMA) Programmatic FINAL Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS) addressing proposed Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments.


Proposal: The proposal consists of amendments to the Sammamish Comprehensive Plan and Sammamish Municipal Code (SMC) necessary to amend and implement the City's transportation level of service (LOS) standards and concurrency management program. Amendments may include:

  • Amendments to the Transportation and Capital Facilities Elements, Volume I for transportation LOS standards. Amendments to Transportation and Capital Facilities Elements, Volume II, to update discussion of LOS standards and concurrency, the 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the traffic forecasting model, recommended long-term transportation project list, and financing information. Consistency amendments to other elements may also be required.
  • Potential changes could include but are not limited to the Sammamish Unified Development Code (SDC) Title 21, formerly known as Sammamish Municipal Code (SMC) Titles 14A, 20, 21A, and 21B, to update definitions, address internal consistency, and implement the amended transportation LOS standards in the concurrency management program, depending on the preferred alternative.

The Final EIS completes the environmental review process for the proposal. The Final EIS studies a Preferred Alternative, selected by City Council on December 14, 2021 through Resolution R2021-930, and responds to all comments received during the Draft EIS process (published on August 26, 2021), describes the existing conditions and identifies probable significant environmental impacts, mitigation measures to mitigate these impacts, and any significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts from the proposal, in accordance with RCW 43.21C.031.

Environmental Topics: The topics studied under the Draft EIS include: earth, water resources, plants and animals, land use, housing, plans and policies, transportation, and utilities (i.e. broadband).

Alternatives: The Final EIS evaluates a Preferred Alternative for each environmental topic that is in the range of the four alternatives that were analyzed in the Draft EIS, including a no action alternative. Alternatives studied in the EIS process include the following:

  • Alternative 1 - No Action Alternative is the continuation of transportation LOS standards and concurrency program requirements currently in effect.
  • Alternative 2 - Transportation Level of Service (LOS) Standards is the continuation of LOS standards for intersections and new LOS standards for key roadway corridors and segments. Also includes improvements to transportation infrastructure to meet new LOS standards.
  • Alternative 3 - Transportation LOS Standards with transportation-efficient land use measures is the same LOS standards for intersections and key roadway corridors and segments as Alternative 2 with an assumed 15% reduction in peak hour trips. Includes land use measures to reduce overall travel demand and improvements to transportation infrastructure to meet new LOS standards.
  • Preferred Alternative (Alternative 4) - Transportation LOS Standards with transportation-efficient land use measures and holistic transportation capacity improvements is the same LOS standards for intersections and key corridors and roadway segments as Alternative 2 with an assumed 15% reduction in peak hour trips. Includes the same land use measures as described in Alternative 3. Transportation capacity improvements intended to address transportation needs holistically, considering local and regional connectivity, improvements to substandard streets, transit and non-motorized needs, and environmental constraints. Also includes improvements to transportation infrastructure to meet new LOS standards.

Proponent & Lead Agency: City of Sammamish

Location: Current incorporated City of Sammamish boundaries

File Number: POL2020-00767, formerly known as POL2020-00331

Document Availability: The Final EIS and associated documents can be reviewed and downloaded at the project website. Contact the City at the contact information below if you are unable to access the documents online. Alternate formats may be available at cost. For questions regarding obtaining alternate formats please contact:

City of Sammamish
801 228th Ave SE
Sammamish, WA 98075


RE: Final EIS

Note: Please send all emailed correspondence to the email address listed above.

SEPA Responsible Official: David Pyle, Director, Department of Community Development

07 Jan 2022: Council selects Alternative 4 as the Preferred Alternative in the BLUMA EIS

On December 14, 2021, the Sammamish City Council approved Resolution R2021-930, selecting Alternative 4 as the Preferred Alternative in the Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis (BLUMA) EIS. Alternative 4 evaluates a level of service standard (LOS) of the volume to capacity ratio (V/C) 1.4 for roadway segments and 1.1 for roadway corridors as well as land use measures to reduce overall travel demand and an assumed 15% reduction in AM and PM peak hour travel demand. Alternative 4 also includes a set of transportation capacity improvements intended to improve connectivity and efficiency in the transportation network by focusing capacity improvements on the principal arterials.

In addition to selecting Alternative 4 as the Preferred Alternative, Council directed staff to add a mechanism to reduce traffic counts based on any transit that is planned or purchased, to assess the project at any point at the choke points, and to assess mitigations or improvements around the schools.

The Preferred Alternative will be further evaluated in the FEIS, which is anticipated to be issued by the SEPA Responsible Official, pursuant to WAC 197-11-460 and SMC 20.15.060(7) in late March, 2022. The FEIS includes responses to comments submitted by the public on the Draft EIS (DEIS).

02 Nov 2021: November 17, 2021 City Council Public Hearing - Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that the City of Sammamish City Council will hold a Public Hearing to discuss the BLUMA Draft EIS alternatives and receive additional public comment.

HEARING SCHEDULE: This Public Hearing will be part of a special meeting, which will start at 6:30 PM on November 17, 2021. To view the virtual City Council meeting, go to and click on the meeting date. Instructions on how to view the meeting are provided in the agenda. A related workshop where this project was discussed in detail was held on October 28, 2021 and the recording can be viewed by visiting the BLUMA EIS project page.

WRITTEN COMMENT: Written public comment will be accepted until 5:00 pm on November 17, 2021 (the day of the meeting). Submit your written comments by email to the City Clerk at and

VERBAL COMMENT: Up to 3 minutes of verbal public comment may be provided per person live during the meeting. You may join the Zoom Webinar virtual meeting using this link: or by telephone by dialing: 253-215-8782 and entering the following Webinar ID when prompted: 977 4347 6957#. During Public Comment, the City Clerk will ask attendees to press the "raise hand" button if they wish to give comment. If joining the meeting by phone, dial *9 to raise your hand. When it is your turn to speak, the Clerk will unmute you and you will be given the ability to turn on your web camera if desired.

DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The Draft EIS and all associated public comments received during the Draft EIS comment period are located on the project page.


22 Oct 2021: October 28, 2021 City Council Workshop - Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that the City of Sammamish City Council will hold a Special Meeting conducted in a workshop format to discuss the BLUMA Draft EIS including a comparison of the proposed alternatives and summarization of public comments received.

MEETING SCHEDULE: This Special Meeting will start at 6:30 PM on October 28, 2021. To view the virtual City Council special meeting, go to and click on the meeting date. Instructions on how to view the meeting are provided in the agenda. Meetings are recorded and posted on the City’s YouTube Channel the following day.

WRITTEN COMMENT: Written public comment will be accepted until 5:00 pm on October 28, 2021 (the day of the meeting). Submit your written comments by email to the City Clerk at and

VERBAL COMMENT: This is the first meeting in a two-part meeting series and public comment is encouraged at the public hearing to be held on November 17, 2021. The Workshop is planned to be informational in nature.

DOCUMENT AVAILABILITY: The Draft EIS and all associated public comments received during the Draft EIS comment period are located on the project page.


07 Oct 2021: Public Comments on Draft EIS Now Available

The EIS comment period closed at 5:00 PM on September 27, 2021. The City received a total of 53 written comments before the deadline and received 1 comment after the deadline (total of 54 written comments). Additionally, the City received 3 verbal comments at City Council meetings (9/7, 9/14, 9/21 meetings), which are linked and included with the written comments.

You may view these comments:

15 Sep 2021: Video Overview of Draft EIS Now Available

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) describes the existing conditions and identifies probable significant environmental impacts, mitigation measures to mitigate these impacts, and any significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts from the proposal, in accordance with RCW 43.21C.031. Four alternatives are analyzed in the Draft EIS, including a no action alternative. The topics studied under the Draft EIS include: earth, water resources, plants and animals, land use, housing, plans and policies, transportation, and utilities (i.e. broadband).

View a video presentation containing an overview of Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis (BLUMA) Draft EIS. This video was presented to the City Council at the September 14, 2021 Study Session.

26 Aug 2021: Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) for the Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis

Notice is hereby given under WAC 197-11-455 and WAC 197-11-510 that the City of Sammamish is issuing the Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis (BLUMA) Programmatic Draft Environmental Impact Statement (Draft EIS) addressing proposed Comprehensive Plan and Code Amendments.

The Draft EIS describes the existing conditions and identifies probable significant environmental impacts, mitigation measures to mitigate these impacts, and any significant unavoidable adverse environmental impacts from the proposal, in accordance with RCW 43.21C.031. Four alternatives are analyzed in the Draft EIS, including a no action alternative. The topics studied under the Draft EIS include: earth, water resources, plants and animals, land use, housing, plans and policies, transportation, and utilities (i.e. broadband).

Proponent & Lead Agency: City of Sammamish

Proposal: The proposal consists of amendments to the Sammamish Comprehensive Plan and Sammamish Municipal Code (SMC) necessary to amend and implement the City's transportation level of service (LOS) standards and concurrency management program. Amendments may include:

  • Amendments to the Transportation and Capital Facilities Elements, Volume I for transportation LOS standards. Amendments to Transportation and Capital Facilities Elements, Volume II, to update discussion of LOS standards and concurrency, the 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the traffic forecasting model, recommended long-term transportation project list, and financing information. Consistency amendments to other elements may also be required.
  • Potential changes to the SMC could include but are not limited to SMC Titles 14A, 20, 21A, and 21B to update definitions, address internal consistency, and implement the amended transportation LOS standards in the concurrency management program, depending on the preferred alternative.

Location: Current incorporated City of Sammamish boundaries

File Number: POL2020-00767, formerly known as POL2020-00331

Comment and Review: The Draft EIS and associated documents can be reviewed and downloaded at the project website. Contact the City at the contact information below if you are unable to access the documents online. Alternate formats may be available at cost.

The City is requesting comments on the Draft EIS from citizens, agencies, tribes, and all other interested parties from August 26, 2021 to 5:00 PM on September 27, 2021. Electronic submittal is preferred. Direct comment to:


City of Sammamish


801 228th Ave SE

Sammamish, WA 98075


RE: Draft EIS Comment

Note: Please send all emailed correspondence to the email address listed above.

SEPA Responsible Official: David Pyle, Director, Department of Community Development

19 May 2021: Revised BLUMA EIS Schedule

As presented to City Council on May 18th, the revised Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis (BLUMA) EIS schedule is now available.

The BLUMA EIS project team discovered a scrivener’s error in the City’s 2015 Comprehensive Plan. This resulted in inconsistencies in data points in analysis for the Draft EIS. The most recent project timeline did not include time to resolve this previously undiscovered situation and has been revised as described below.

Revised Schedule

The revised BLUMA EIS schedule is as follows:




Determine accurate growth figure, conduct further traffic modeling, and chart a course for reconciliation in the EIS analysis

Mar 29

May 7

Consultant Team develops Preliminary Draft EIS (PDEIS)

May 10

June 18

City staff review of PDEIS

June 21

July 16

PDEIS revisions by Consultant Team

July 19

Aug 6

Final print check of PDEIS before issuance for public comment

Aug 9

Aug 13

Transmittal and final City review of PDEIS

Aug 16

Aug 20

Issue Draft EIS

Aug 26

Aug 26

30-day public comment period1

Aug 26

Sept 27

Consultant Team reviews public comments with City and develops comment matrix

Sept 28

Oct 5

Consultant Team prepares Preliminary Final EIS2 (PFEIS)

Oct 6

Dec 3

City staff review3 of PFEIS

Dec 6

Jan 7, 2022

Revisions to PFEIS by Consultant Team

Jan 10

Jan 28

Second City staff review of PFEIS

Jan 31

Feb 4

Final revisions to PFEIS by Consultant Team

Feb 14

Feb 18

Final Print check review of PFEIS before issuance

Feb 21

Feb 25

Issue Final EIS

Mar 3

Mar 3

1. 30 days falls on Saturday, September 25, extended to the following Monday

2. Includes holiday

3. Includes holidays

The difference between the most recent BLUMA EIS schedule and the schedule described in this memo is approximately five months. This additional time accounts for the necessary time to correct discrepancies, verify information, review time, still ensure time for robust public comment, and allow for various legal holidays.

22 Feb 2021: City Issues Revised EIS Scoping Notice for Balanced Land Use and Mobility Analysis (BLUMA) EIS


Also accessible as a pdf

Publication Date: February 22, 2021

Lead agency

City of Sammamish

Agency Contacts

Doug McIntyre, Transportation Planner



Lindsey Ozbolt, Project Manager – Long Range Planning


Agency File Number

POL2020-00767 FKA POL2020-00331


On July 7, 2020 the City of Sammamish issued a SEPA Determination of Significance and Scoping Notice and request for comments pursuant to WAC 197-11-408. This is an optional revised scoping notice pursuant to WAC 197-11-408(4) provided for informational purposes because additional alternatives are being considered which expand the scope of the EIS.

There is no additional comment period associated with this optional notification. However, the City of Sammamish values public participation and provides below information regarding how to get involved in this process.

Description of proposal

The proposal is a set of amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Municipal Code intended to address transportation level of service standards and capital facilities needs and associated environmental impacts. Proposed amendments include (1) Comprehensive Plan amendments intended to adjust the City’s transportation Level of Service Standards (LOS) and related concurrency program, and (2) related Municipal Code amendments that implement amended Comprehensive Plan policy guidance.

Comprehensive Plan amendments are anticipated to focus on the Transportation and Capital Facilities elements but may include additional elements as needed to achieve internal plan consistency. Comprehensive Plan amendments will include updated policy guidance for LOS standards and updated background information to reflect the City’s current transportation network, including maps and tables, concurrency program description, 6-Year Transportation Improvement Program, recommended 20-year transportation improvements, financing program, and other related information.

Municipal Code amendments are anticipated to be focused on Titles 14A and 21A SMC. Municipal Code amendments will amend LOS standards to reflect amended Comprehensive Plan guidance, delete outdated tables, correct definitions and Comprehensive Plan references, and may include other related actions.

SEPA Threshold Determination

On July 7, 2020 a Determination of Significance (DS) and request for comments on the scope of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was issued. No change to the DS is proposed, however additional alternatives are being considered in the EIS, as described below.


The focus for the proposed Comprehensive Plan and Municipal Code amendments is the entire City of Sammamish within municipal boundaries.


City of Sammamish

EIS Scope

The City of Sammamish has determined that this proposal may have a probable significant adverse environmental impact. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c) and will be prepared.

Based on the prior scoping process conducted for this proposal, the lead agency has identified the following areas for discussion in the EIS: earth (steep slopes, landslide hazards), water resources (water quantity and quality, stormwater), plants and animals (tree canopy, fish), land use, plans and policies, population and housing, transportation, including impacts on transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions and evacuation routes, and consideration of utilities (broadband access) to the scope of analysis.

Alternatives considered in the EIS are anticipated to include the following:



Potential Key Features


No Action

No changes to existing policies and regulations


Transportation Level of Service (LOS) Standards

  • New LOS standards for intersections and key corridors and roadway segments
  • No changes land use assumptions
  • Changes to transportation infrastructure to meet new LOS standards.


Transportation LOS Standards with transportation-efficient land use patterns

  • New LOS standards for intersections and key corridors and roadway segments
  • Transportation-efficient land use patterns consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan
  • Changes to transportation infrastructure to meet new LOS standards


Transportation LOS Standards with transportation-efficient land use patterns and transportation network improvements

  • New LOS standards for intersections and key corridors and roadway segments
  • Transportation-efficient land use patterns consistent with the existing Comprehensive Plan
  • Transportation infrastructure and management changes including network improvements for greater efficiency and to meet new LOS standards.


Scoping is the process of identifying the elements of the environment to be evaluated in an EIS.

Scoping is intended to help identify and narrow the issues to those that are significant. The

scoping process includes a public comment period so that the public and agencies can comment on key issues and concerns. Following the comment period, the City considers all comments received and determines the scope of review for the environmental analysis (WAC 197-11-408(4)).

Comment Period

There is no comment period associated with this optional revised scoping notice, pursuant to WAC 197-11-408(4). The City of Sammamish previously issued a DS / Scoping Notice on July 7, 2020 and conducted a 24-day comment period. Following the comment period, the City prepared a scoping report that acknowledged comments received and identified potential changes to the scope of the EIS. These changes are included in the description of the areas for discussion in the EIS, above.

Public Participation

The community is encouraged to continue to participate in the EIS process. The issuance of the Draft EIS (DEIS), anticipated in May 2021 will commence a 30-day public comment period, which is the next opportunity for public input. Please refer to the tentative project timeline available on the project webpage. Comments received during this comment period will be addressed in the Final EIS (FEIS). Additionally, prior to any legislative action by the City Council, a public hearing will be held.