Ebright Creek Fish Passage

Project Description
The Sammamish City Council adopted the 2017 to 2022 Six-Year Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan, which identifies the Ebright Creek Fish Passage project. The goal of the project is to restore the Ebright Creek crossing at East Lake Sammamish Parkway. To do this, the project will remove the existing culvert pipes and replace them with a fully fish-passable box culvert, with the goal of improving stream habitat and fish passage to support Kokanee salmon and other fish species.

Project Kick-off | Winter 2019 |
30% Design | Spring 2020 |
60% Design | Summer 2020 |
Final Design | Fall/Winter 2021 |
Construction | Summer 2021 |
Grant Awards
The project was awarded a $352,100 grant for design from the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board. View the project snapshot through the Recreation and Conservation Office.
The project was awarded a $85,685 from the King County Cooperative Watershed Management Grant.
The Ebright Creek Enhancement Plan was completed by David Evans and Associates, Inc. in 2012. It provides background information on hydraulic monitoring, stream alignment, and coordination for the project.
Additional files on kokanee salmon are available from King County.
Ebright Creek monitoring information is available on King County's Stream Report Page.
This project required coordination with King County on their culvert replacement for the East Lake Sammamish Regional Trail, South Sammamish Segment B.
Project Team
- Stephanie Sullivan, Project Manager, City of Sammamish
- Nagwan Al-Janabi, Construction Manager, KBA, Inc.
- Mike Dysert, Contractor, Johansen Construction Company, LLC
- Laura Ruppert, Design Consultant, Osborn Consulting, Inc.
Construction Photos

Kokanee Salmon Return to Ebright Creek
13 Dec 2021
Video of Kokanee Salmon returning to spawn in Ebright Creek!
(Kokanee salmon swimming upstream at the newly constructed Ebright Creek culvert crossing underneath East Lake Sammamish Parkway. Credit: Stephanie Sullivan)
Also, see this video posted by Trout Unlimited on their YouTube page.
Final Project Update - 9/27 - 10/1
29 Sep 2021
Project Updates and Three-week Look Ahead 8/16 - 9/3
18 Aug 2021
Project Updates
- Dewatering system is installed and operating.
- Fish were relocated and the stream bypass system is installed and operating.
- Installed the new water main under the culvert and will connect to main line.
- East Lake Sammamish Parkway is closed 24 hours a day from 8/16 through September. A detour is posted and signs are being adjusted, as needed, to mitigate traffic impacts. See documents section for detour map!
- Due to limited access during the East Lake Sammamish Parkway closure, Republic Services will begin garbage, yard waste, and recycling collection at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, the regular collection day for homes adjacent to the closure. Impacted homes will be receiving calls from Republic on 8/23 and 8/30 as a reminder before pick-up. We ask homes that receive a call to please have your carts out by 6:00 a.m. on August 24th and 31st.
- Road was demolished and removed.
The 3-Week Look Ahead gives us a realistic idea of the activities planned. Changes and unexpected conditions or events can occur that will cause this schedule to change over time.
- Tree removals are on-going.
- Clearing and grubbing the upland area, preparing for stream realignment to the new culvert crossing.
- Excavate the new culvert area.
- Install the sewer bypass system.
- Culvert delivery and installation of culvert bottom sections.
- Install new sewer system.
- Fill culvert with streambed material.
- Install culvert lids.
- Backfill culvert.
- Begin grading to prepare for road repaving.
- Begin upland/stream restoration, as time allows.
NOTICE: Extended Work Hours 8/16 - 9/3
13 Aug 2021
The City has granted the contractor permission for extended working hours starting Monday, August 16th through Friday, September 3rd, 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM. This is to ensure the road closure and construction will be completed within the planned schedule.
REMINDER!!!!! East Lake Sammamish Parkway will close to thru traffic for a minimum of 3 weeks starting Monday, August 16th. Please follow the detour and consider alternate routes. Bicyclists and pedestrians can use the trail to detour around the closure.
Three-week Look Ahead 8/9 - 8/27
04 Aug 2021
The 3-Week Look Ahead gives us a realistic idea of the activities planned. Changes and unexpected conditions or events can occur that will cause this schedule to change over time.
- Tree removals are ongoing.
- Clearing and grubbing the upland area, preparing for stream realignment to the new culvert crossing.
- Install dewatering well points to dewater (dry out) the excavation area. Turn on dewatering system (pumps will be running through-out this work).
- Fish block nets and fish relocation.
- Install and start the stream bypass system.
- Install the new water main under the culvert.
- Set up detour and close East Lake Sammamish Parkway, starting 8/16.
- Demolish the area of the existing road and remove.
- Excavate the new culvert area.
- Culvert delivery and installation of culvert bottom sections.
- Begin upland/stream restoration, as time allows.
This shows an excavator with an attachment called a hydraulic breaker. It is being used to break up the pavement that will be removed. This is one of two areas that will have a dewatering header pipe, which collects the water that is pulled from the ground. This will dry out the excavation area which is below the water table, to allow installation of the new culvert.
East Lake Sammamish Parkway Road Closure Starting 8/16
29 Jul 2021
Starting August 16th there will be a minimum 3-week closure of East Lake Sammamish Parkway at Ebright Creek. This is located approximately at 125 E Lake Sammamish Parkway. The closure will allow for the completion of the new water and sewer systems and the installation of the box culvert. Additional notifications and message boards will be posted and a signed detour will be in place. View the detour plan.
Drivers should expect delays and consider using alternate routes.
The closure area is relatively small, but through access will not be permitted. This simplified detour map shows the primary detour route for vehicular traffic. There will be local access only on either side of the closure area. Drivers should consider alternate routes that may work better for their destination. During the closure, bicyclists and pedestrians will be able to detour around the closure using the East Lake Sammamish Regional Trail.
Three-Week Look-Ahead 7/19 - 8/6
23 Jul 2021
The 3-Week Look Ahead gives us a realistic idea of the activities planned. Changes and unexpected conditions or events can occur that will cause this schedule to change over time.
- Eliminate the utility conflicts with Comcast and Ziply.
- Traffic control and construction access will be set up.
- Tree removals and tree protection for those to remain will be installed.
- Clearing and grubbing the upland area.
- Prepare for and install the water bypass pipe and the new water main under the culvert.
- Install fish screens and prepare to install the stream bypass system.
- Install dewatering well points to prepare for dewatering the excavation area.
Project Update - June 2021
08 Jul 2021
- Ongoing review of submittals and RFIs.
- The draft baseline schedule shows Notice to Proceed anticipated on 7/1.
Utility Relocations:
- Comcast obtaining a King County Special Use Permit for a temporary pole.
- PSE cut and capped the gas line. PSE to return to reinstall gas line after culvert is installed.
- PSE scheduled transmission lines relocation for the first week in July.
- Ziply working to schedule pole relocation.
Project Update - May 2021
28 Jun 2021
- Held an on-site strategy meeting with utilities on May 6th, 2021.
- Held the preconstruction conference on May 11th, 2021.
- Reviewed and issued ROW permits and coordinated utility relocation.
- Approved the King County Special Use Permit.
- Approved the project Interlocal Agreement between the City and Sammamish Plateau Water and Sewer District.
- Received contractor's draft project schedule.
Project Update - April 2021
07 May 2021
Happy May! We are entering an exciting time in this project! The project is transitioning from the design phase into the construction phase. As we have done the past few months, a summary of activities completed in April is below. In June, we will start posting more frequent updates with construction schedule details and traffic impacts. As construction season begins, it is important to stay alert and be aware near construction zones and, "Give 'em a BRAKE."
Please consider visiting WSDOT's Work Zone Awareness page. A few points are provided below for your consideration:
- Slow Down – drive the posted speeds, they're there for your safety
- Be Kind – our workers are out there helping to keep you safe and improve the roadways
- Pay Attention – both to workers directing you and surrounding traffic; put your phone down when behind the wheel
- Stay Calm – expect delays, leave early, or take an alternate route if possible. No meeting or appointment is worth risking someone's life.
Thank you in advance for your care, patience, and understanding during construction! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
April 2021 Activities
- Reviewed contractor qualifications and confirmed responsible low bidder. Awarded the contract to Johansen Construction Company, LLC on April 7th.
- Issued the contractor a Limited Notice to Proceed to enable culvert procurement and other administrative work to begin.
- Finished and recorded easements for work on adjacent private property.
- Received the preliminary Special Use Permit from King County for staging and working in the trail right-of-way adjacent to the creek.
- Secured continued design support services with Osborn Consulting, Inc., the design consultant and engineer of record.
- Continued coordination with Sammamish Plateau Water on an Interlocal Agreement which will go to the City Council and District's Board of Commissioners in May.
- Continued coordination with other utilities, including Comcast, PSE, and Ziply.
Project Update - March 2021
23 Apr 2021
- Held the virtual public bid opening on March 17th, the apparent low bidder is Johansen Construction Company, LLC. Anticipated award in April.
- Selected KBA, Inc. for Construction Management services.
- Finalized easement documents, anticipated approval in April.
- King County Special Use Permit pending issuance anticipated in April.
Invitation to Bid Published
24 Feb 2021
The invitation to bid for the project was published today in the Seattle Times and the Daily Journal of Commerce. The bid period closes on 3/17/2021 at 2:00 PM PST. For those interested, the final plan set has been uploaded in the Documents section.
Project Update - February 2021
10 Mar 2021
- Received approval from the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board, Technical Review Team.
- Continuing to work on easements and the King County Special Use Permit.
- Completed 100% plans, specification, and estimate and posted to Builder's Exchange.
- Invitation to bid published, bid opening on 3/17.
- Solicitation for Construction Management services published.
- Anticipate awarding both contracts in April.
Project Update - January 2021
16 Feb 2021
- Provided comment responses to the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board, Technical Review Team.
- Continuing to work on temporary construction easements and the King County Special Use Permit.
- Continuing to coordinate with utility providers.
- Drafting the interlocal agreement with Sammamish Plateau Water.
- Reviewing draft 100% plans, specification, and estimate for final submittal.
- Preparing to advertise the project for bid beginning February 24.
Project Update - December 2020
08 Jan 2021
- Held a public meeting on Dec. 10th. The presentation was recorded and may be viewed.
- Met with the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board, and Technical Review Team to discuss 90% plan comments to incorporate into 100% plans.
- Continuing to work on temporary construction easements and the King County Special Use Permit.
- Continuing to coordinate with utility providers.
- Started drafting the interlocal agreement with Sammamish Plateau Water.
- Continuing work to draft 100% design plans.
- Preparing for bidding on the project in February.
YOU'RE INVITED! Public Meeting - December 10th at 6:00 PM
04 Dec 2020
Ebright Creek Fish Passage Project - Public Meeting
The project is planned for construction in the Summer of 2021. It will replace the culvert under East Lake Sammamish Parkway located between Louis Thompson Road and SE 8th Street. This meeting will share how the project is protecting Lake Sammamish kokanee salmon. You will also learn what you can expect during construction. We hope you will join us virtually on December 10th at 6:00 PM!
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 415-871-837
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Project Update - November 2020
04 Dec 2020
- Gave a project update to City Council on 11/17. The City Council meeting agenda is available for viewing.
- Received Council approval for full road closure during construction.
- Received JARPA approval from the Army Corps of Engineers.
- Continuing to work on temporary construction easements and the King County Special Use Permit.
- Continuing to coordinate with utility providers.
- Continuing work to draft 100% design plans.
- Preparing for public meeting planned for Dec. 10th.
Project Update - October 2020
09 Nov 2020
- Gave a project update presentation to the Lake Sammamish Kokanee Work Group.
- Confirmed that the King County culvert replacement on Ebright Creek at the trail (as part of the South Sammamish B Segment of the East Lake Sammamish Trail) is planned for construction in 2022. Further information on the County project is available for viewing.
- Working on final updates to the JARPA application with the Army Corps of Engineers.
- Continuing to work on temporary construction easements and on the King County Special Use Permit.
- Continuing to coordinate with utility providers.
- Beginning 100% design plans.
- Preparing for upcoming City Council meeting and public info session. Archived City Council meeting agendas are available for viewing.
Project Update - September 2020
02 Oct 2020
- Responded to 60% comments from the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board.
- Expecting to hear JARPA status from the Army Corps of Engineers in October.
- Continuing to work on temporary construction easements and on the King County Special Use Permit.
- Continuing to refine the details for the pavement section and estimated construction timeline.
- Continuing to coordinate with utility providers.
- Completed 90% design plans.
Project Update - August 2020
04 Sep 2020
- Continuing to address 60% comments from project constituents, including:
- the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board;
- King County;
- the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe;
- Sammamish Plateau Water, and
- the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Started working on temporary construction easements.
- Started coordinating with King County on a Special Use Permit for construction staging.
- Continuing to incorporate comments and refine project plans for 90% design.
- Continuing to coordinate with utility providers.
It's Salmon SEEson!
21 Aug 2020
Consider visiting Ebright Creek during Salmon SEEson to view the salmon in their natural habitat. More info on other viewing sites and directions/parking is provided below.
Fall is coming and salmon will be returning to streams and rivers throughout King County to spawn. The 14th annual Salmon SEEson program will run from late August through November. This includes the promotion of self-guided salmon viewing sites as well as virtual tour opportunities.
If you decide to visit a self-guided site near you, please remember to recreate responsibly:
- plan ahead;
- practice physical distancing;
- wear a mask;
- choose a site near you;
- leave no trace; and
- contribute to an inclusive experience for all. Check out the Salmon SEEson website for more information on self-guided and virtual viewing opportunities!
*This information was re-posted from the WRIA 8 update. You can subscribe to their newsletter at www.govlink.org/watersheds/8/news/.
Project Update - July 2020
31 Jul 2020
- 1st draft 60% design complete, view the 60% plan set here.
- Project was awarded a WRIA 8 Cooperative Watershed Management Grant, in the amount of $85,685.
Project Update - June 2020
31 Jul 2020
- The team expects 60% design completion this summer. The consultant is refining the design and working on utility coordination.
- Submitted the Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application to the Army Corps of Engineers.
- Project was selected for a WRIA 8 Cooperative Watershed Management Grant, in the amount of $85,685. Award is contingent on King County Flood Control District approval.
- Submitted the final application for construction funding in the amount of $450,000 from the 2021-2023 Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board Grant. 30% cost estimate for construction is $1.6 million.
- Completed on-site work to determine the depth of the sewer line. The project team is continuing to coordinate with utility owners.
- The Hydraulic Project Approval was issued by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife on 6/23/2020.
Project Update - March 2020
31 Jul 2020
- Over the past few months, the project completed data collection, analysis, and selected a preferred alternative.
- Draft 30% design plans were prepared and reviewed internally.
- The team is preparing to submit the Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application with the Army Corps of Engineers.
- Project was selected to submit a final application for the 2021-2023 Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board Grant, due in May.
Project Update - November 2019
31 Jul 2020
- The project team held the project kick-off meeting.
- During the following months, the team will begin data collection and surveying.
- We will also be pursuing a grant with the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board for construction funding.
Frequently Asked Questions
The project is mostly funded by the City budget for capital stormwater projects. Approximately $400,000 in grant money was awarded to the project by the Brian Abbott Fish Barrier Removal Board and the King County Cooperative Watershed Management fund.
In-stream work is only allowed between mid-July through September because this is when fish are not swimming upstream. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife regulates this through its Hydraulic Project Approval process.
Kokanee salmon are native to the Lake Sammamish and Lake Washington watersheds. However, they now spawn in only a few streams that feed into Lake Sammamish. Unlike their larger relative the sockeye salmon, kokanee do not go out to the ocean but spend their entire lifecycle in fresh water. They migrate from streams as inch-long fry and spend three to four years in Lake Sammamish. Then they return to spawn in the late fall and early winter in their natal streams. You can find more information about Kokanee salmon at https://kingcounty.gov/services/environment/animals-and-plants/salmon-and-trout/kokanee.aspx.
Yes, bicyclists and pedestrians can use the East Lake Sammamish Regional Trail to detour around the closure.
During the full closure of ELSP, the normal work hours vary but are typically between 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM (8-hour shift with 1-hour lunch). The contractor is not working extended hours on a daily basis.
ELSP is scheduled to reopen on 9/16, but issues may arise that cause this date to change.
The road will be temporarily closed 24 hours a day for the duration of the culvert installation, a minimum of 3 weeks.