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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Loree Estates Outfall Repair

Public Works

Associate Stormwater Engineer

Jayden Abrams
(425) 295 0551

Project Background

The City of Sammamish (City) is investigating an alternative discharge location for an existing stormwater outfall that discharges to a small tributary drainage to Kanim Creek (a tributary to Pine Lake Creek). A slope failure occurred downstream of the existing outfall location, and the existing infrastructure is located in a 23-foot-wide drainage easement between two homes. The proposed outfall shall relocate infrastructure into the City’s right-of-way and discharge to a more stable location. The City has identified the vicinity of the Kanim Creek culvert crossing at SE 19th Street as a likely proposed outfall location. The purpose of this task order is to perform an alternatives analysis and identify a preferred solution for the outfall relocation. The figure below shows the vicinity map of Kanim Creek and potential stormwater discharge re-route location.


Alternatives Analysis Spring 2024
Design Summer 2024 - December 2024
Permitting August 2024 - December 2024
Procurement December 2024 - February 2025
Construction Anticipated Summer 2025