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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)

Parker and Landa Properties

Wooded area of Parker Property in Sammamish with trees, ferns, and leaf-covered ground.

Park Planner

Becky Smith
(425) 295 0517


In fall 2021, the City purchased 14.88 acres of land located at 1818 and 1822 193rd Avenue SE, Sammamish, WA 98074. The property is currently referred to as the "Parker Property". The north and east portions of the property are forested with dense, mature tree canopy. A ravine with a stream crosses the property diagonally from the southeast to the northwest. At the time of purchase, the parcels were each developed with a single-family residence. In 2023, the residences and several accessory structures were demolished due to being in a state of disrepair.

Later in 2023, the City purchased 1.67 acres of land connected to the northwest corner of the Parker Property, known as the "Landa Property". The purchase of this parcel is intended to provide access from the Parker parcels to East Lake Sammamish Parkway, in addition to preserving open space resources.

The primary opportunity for these properties is to be developed for passive use recreation. This may include hiking trails, a small parking area, a picnic area, benches, and other low-impact uses such as wildlife viewing. Another priority opportunity for this site is the preservation of over 16 acres of mature, dense tree canopy.

The next step will be to complete a master plan for this park. Funds for a master plan have not yet been allocated in the Parks Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) budget. Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of this new park property!

Click here to see a context map of the properties.

Wooded area on Parker Property in Sammamish full of trees with moss-covered trunks, ferns, and foliage.