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Sammamish Town Center (not licensed)


Parks and Recreation

Director of Parks

Anjali Myer
Photo for Community Center - tall clock tower and garden spaces outside entrance

Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (BRS):  Prime Consultant, Located in Denver, CO. BRS have completed over 80 recreation centers around the United States, including the recreation center in Federal Way.  For more information please go to:

As with most major capital projects, BRS has assembled a team of sub-consultants to assist them in designing and engineering the facility.  Most of the sub-consultants are from Western Washington and have worked with BRS on other projects.   For reference, a list of the sub-consultants and a description of their role in this project is provided below: 

  1. Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (BRS):  Prime Consultant, Architecture and Interior Design
  2. Water Technology (WTI):  Aquatics specialists that will design the aquatics component.  Perhaps the most important sub-consultant due to the complex nature of aquatic design and programming. (
  3. Site Workshop (Site):  Landscape architects that will provide landscape and site planning. (
  4. CEKO: Civil engineers that will provide site (storm water) and utility design.
  5. KPFF: Structural engineers, design of the structural and lateral building systems.
  6. Glumac: Mechanical, electrical, plumbing, lighting, aquatics commissioning and energy consultants that will maximize opportunities for energy efficiency related to development of the facility. (
  7. Sparling: Acoustical consultants that will assure proper sound isolation between spaces.
  8. Wiss, Janney, Elstner (WJE): Building envelope consulting to verify coordination of the design and detailing of the building envelope.
  9. iBIM: Construction specifications.
  10. Architectural Cost Consultants (ACC):  These are architects that specialize in cost-estimating.  Their role is limited to supporting the prime architects in developing construction cost estimates that accurately reflect the current market. They will also play a role in value-engineering.
  11. HWA: geotechnical and material testing engineers. This firm provided a preliminary geotechnical analysis of the site, and has been retained to provide additional consulting. 



In November 2010 a Request for Proposals (RFP) was published for architectural consultant services for a facility feasibility study. A total of 14 firms responded. The proposal review team scored the proposals based on criteria outlined in the RFP. The five firms with the highest scores were invited for an interview. Consultant interviews were held on Friday, January 14, 2011, at City Hall. Interview panelists consisted of two City Councilmembers, two Park Commissioners, and the Staff Project Team (including representatives from Parks and Recreation, Community Development and Public Works.)

At the conclusion of the interviews the firms were discussed and ranked and BRS Architecture was identified as the top firm. The recommendation was based on the firm’s overall experience and knowledge of recreation and aquatic facility design; experience with marketing assessments and feasibility studies; quality of the presentation and the presentation materials (both written and visual); their response to the interview questions (scripted questions and impromptu questions); and the overall fit for the Sammamish community including their high energy approach and their ability to engage an audience.

The initial request for qualifications (RFQ) reserved the flexibility to award future phases of the project to the same consultant to avoid having to repeat a laborious selection process. The RFQ required the project team to demonstrate prior experience not only in managing a successful public process, but also in the design, engineering and construction administration for the facility. The interview questions probed into the ability of the team to carry the project forward from the feasibility study through construction.

Based on the quality of previous planning and design work with projects of a similar nature, the experience and qualifications of their staff, the positive reference checks, and the ability to meet the project timeline, BRS was selected for the project.



  • Response to Request for Qualifications: 4.87 MB Adobe Acrobat Document - Barker Rinker Seacat Architecture (BRS) bid for RFQ Request for Qualifications, City of Sammamish, Community and Aquatic Center, Feasibility Study, December 14, 2010