Sahalee Way Corridor Improvements
Sahalee Way Corridor Improvements
Project Schedule
Staff will report to Council at the study session Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2025 at 6:30 PM. A Public Meeting will then be scheduled in spring 2025 to share alternative concepts for the corridor. The public will have an opportunity to review the concepts and provide vital feedback.
Geotechnical borings will be made in the shoulder of Sahalee Way south of NE 37th Way from Feb. 10-13. Single lane closures will be in effect 9 AM - 4:30 PM. This work will install inclinometers in the road shoulder to help monitor slopes adjacent below the roadway.
Previous Public Involvement
In early 2024, the public was asked for input on potential improvements they would like to see on the Sahalee Way Corridor.
We had a good turnout by the community at our public meeting held at City Hall on April 24, 2024 from 6-8 PM. Materials from that meeting are found below:
- Sahalee Presentation 04242024
- Sahalee Meeting Boards English 04242024
- Sahalee Meeting Boards Spanish 04242024

Project Overview
The City of Sammamish is developing potential design alternatives to address non-motorized facilities and roadway improvements along 228th Avenue NE/Sahalee Way NE between NE 8th Street/NE Inglewood Hill Road and State Route (SR) 202.
The Sahalee Way Corridor Improvements Project will build the vision for the corridor to meet the needs of all users. During the project, we will collect community feedback on existing corridor conditions and proposed design alternatives to select a preferred design concept supported by the community and Sammamish City Council.

Purpose and Need
- Purpose: To establish the near- and long-term vision for the 228th Avenue NE/Sahalee Way NE corridor that is beneficial, actionable, and supported by the Council and public.
- Need: Improve 228th Avenue NE/Sahalee Way NE to safely accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users in Sammamish through changes to the intersections and corridor between NE 8th Street/NE Inglewood Hill Road and the north city limit.
Project Benefits
- Increased safety for bikes, transit riders, and pedestrians
- Roadway upgrades, potentially including paving improvements
- Improved connections to regional trails/amenities, State Route 202, the Sammamish city center, and Redmond’s upcoming light rail transit service
- Promotes equitable transportation options for those without access to a personal vehicle
- Aligns with Sammamish's climate goals, which aim to close the non-motorized infrastructure gap between Sammamish and Redmond and reduce single-occupancy vehicle usage