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2025-2026 Budget

2025-2026 Budget

The City of Sammamish is currently developing its budget for 2025 & 2026. This process will take place throughout 2024 leading to adoption of the budget in the fall. The City highly encourages all community members to participate in this process by submitting public comment to the City Council in writing and by attending City Council meetings.

The three primary goals of the 2025-2026 budget process are to:

  1. Right size the budget to more closely align budgeted vs actual expenditures;
  2. Update and adopt comprehensive financial policies; and
  3. Adopt a true Citywide Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

The City Council will review items related to all three of these goals throughout 2024. For information about this process or how you can participate, please email Mike Sugg, Supervising Management Analyst, at

Citywide Capital Improvement Plan

A capital improvement plan (CIP) is a six-year plan outlining the funding and timing for capital improvement projects, including projects for transportation, parks, stormwater, government facilities, and technology. This is a dynamic process, with anticipated projects being changed, added and deleted from the plan as the six-year timeline moves forward. 

The City is undertaking an effort this year to develop a true citywide CIP. This process will see all of the City's capital plans consolidated under one document to provide the City with a better understanding of its capital needs and to make information more accessible for the public. 

Meeting Materials