2024 Transportation Master Plan

The City of Sammamish is excited to announce that City Council adopted the City's first Transportation Master Plan on December 3, 2024 via Resolution R2024-1078.
The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) provides a strategic framework to guide transportation decisions and investments for the next 20 years in support of the long-term vision for the city. The goals and policies in the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan serve as the foundation for the TMP and the four transportation goals include: supporting growth, providing greater options for mobility, ensuring safety, and sustainability. The TMP is incorporated into the City's Comprehensive Plan and supports the Transportation Element.
The City Council Public Hearing has been continued to December 3rd at 5:30pm during a Special City Council Meeting. It is anticipated that council will close the public hearing and deliberate that evening.
The Final Transportation Master Plan is now available for review!
UPDATE: Due to severe weather from a bomb cyclone and region-wide power outage, the November 19, 2024 City Council Meeting has been postponed to a Special Meeting on Monday, November 25, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
The City Council Public Hearing is scheduled for 6:30pm on November 19th during a Regular City Council Meeting.
The fourth draft of the Transportation Master Plan is now available for review!
- Transportation Master Plan - Draft 4 - November 2024
- Appendix A - TMP Draft 4 (no changes from Draft 2)
- Appendix B - TMP Draft 4
- Appendix C - TMP Draft 4 (no changes from Draft 3)
- Appendix D - TMP Draft 4
Additionally, an updated comment response matrix dated 11.7.24 has been added to the Available Documents section of this page outlining how Planning Commission, City Council, and Agency comments have been addressed and in which draft document.
A work session with City Council will occur during the October 8th Study Session starting at 6:30pm.
The third draft of the Transportation Master Plan is available now for review! Please email comments to Lindsey Channing, Transportation Planner.
- Transportation Master Plan - Draft 3 - September 2024
- Appendix A - TMP Draft 3 (no changes from Draft 2)
- Appendix B - TMP Draft 3 (no changes from Draft 2)
- Appendix C - TMP Draft 3
- Appendix D - TMP Draft 3
Additionally, a comment response matrix has been added to the Available Documents section of this page outlining how comments have been addressed and in which draft document.
The Planning Commission Public Hearing is scheduled for 6:30pm on August 29th during a Special Planning Commission Meeting.
The second draft of the Transportation Master Plan is now available for review!
- Transportation Master Plan - Draft 2 - August 2024
- Appendix A - TMP Draft 2
- Appendix B - TMP Draft 2
- Appendix C - TMP Draft 2
- Appendix D - TMP Draft 2
The Preliminary Draft of the Transportation Master Plan is now available for public review. Comments can be emailed to Lindsey Channing, Transportation Planner. Email information can be found on the right sidebar of this webpage.
A second draft will be available for public review prior to the Planning Commission Public Hearing in late August.
Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.
The City of Sammamish’s first Transportation Master Plan (TMP) will shape the city for years to come by providing a strategic framework that will guide transportation decisions and investments for the next 20 years in support of the long-term vision for the city. The goals and policies in the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan serve as the foundation for the TMP and the four transportation goals include: supporting growth, providing greater options for mobility, ensuring safety, and sustainability.
To be notified of future public hearings where public testimony will be accepted, please click the link below.
The TMP will be adopted by reference into Volume 2 of the City’s Comprehensive Plan and will provide the framework for developing a multi-modal transportation network that will enhance greater connectivity within the city and to the region. The TMP will address existing and future conditions, roadway classifications, levels of service, transit and non-motorized modes, transportation system improvements, financing strategies, and concurrency management. It includes the technical basis for multi-modal transportation system development, and future improvement of transportation programs and facilities guided by the goals and polices in the Transportation Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. The TMP proposes a prioritized list of projects, programs, and strategies that advance the transportation vision and goals, meets Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements, and reflects input from the community.

Current Meeting Schedule
March 7, 2024 | Planning Commission | Presentation: Introduction to the TMP | Completed |
May 1, 2024 | Parks Commission | Presentation: Introduction to the TMP | Completed |
May 16, 2024 | Planning Commission | Presentation: Update on Progress of the TMP | Completed |
July 2, 2024 | City Council | Presentation: Introduction to the TMP | Completed |
July 18, 2024 | Planning Commission | Presentation: Draft TMP | Completed |
August 29, 2024 | Planning Commission | Public Hearing & Recommendation to Council | Completed |
October 8, 2024 | City Council | Workshop | Completed |
November 19, 2024 - POSTPONED to November 25, 2024 Due to severe weather from a bomb cyclone and region-wide power outage |
City Council | Public Hearing | Completed |
December 3, 2024 | City Council | Adoption | Completed |